Monday, September 21, 2009


Sunday was Dana's first day of nursery and everything went tears and no problems. She is growing so quickly!

Monday, September 7, 2009

State Fair

Here are some pictures of Dana at the state fair. She really loved petting all of the animals.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Learning to let go

I am terrified of Dana falling and hurting herself, so the playground has always been a stressful place for me. So many things she could fall and hurt herself on and so many toys that don't belong to her that she might try and take! Lately Frans has been taking her to the playground while I try and unpack, but today I went with them and was amazed. Dana can slide by herself, climb up the rock wall by herself, balance on the curb and then walk herself home. Talk about feeling like a failure, this whole time I have been holding her back when she could be doing so much more. So I have decided maybe it's time to learn to let go and let Dana explore without so much help from mom.